We all might define a crisis differently. What may be a huge issue for one person may be small for someone else.
Crisis is defined as a time of great danger, difficulty or doubt when problems must be solved or important decisions must be made.
In practice, Active Listening encounters many forms of crisis which include but are not limited to the following:
- Family, friends or victims of road traffic collisions
- Victims of anti-social behaviour
- Persistent, annoyance or hoax calls to 999 or 101
- Civil disputes
- Concern for safety
- Domestic incidents (victim or perpetrator)
- Family, friends or victims of industrial incidents or accidents
- Family or friends of missing persons
- Family, friends of a victim of a sudden death
- Victims of miscellaneous incidents
- Victims or perpetrators of prejudice
- Family, friends or victims of substance abuse
- Family, friends or victims of mental health issues
- Issues linked to elderly people such as not feeling safe or loneliness
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call the emergency services on 999.
Active Listening can only receive referrals from the emergency services.
Please get in touch if you think you could help or would simply like more information about Active Listening
Tel: 07592 944 807
E: info@alni.org.uk
Click here to go to useful Active Listening resources
Northern Ireland Charity Number: NIC100324
Northern Ireland Limited Company Number: NI602918
© Active Listening
An MCC Site